Frequently asked questions.

What can I expect during the skincare consultation?

Your medical history, and skincare concerns will be discussed. We will go over your budget and overall treatment goals. Expect a new skincare regimen as well as customized treatment plan to target your skin concerns.

How should I prepare for my first facial appointment?

If you are a first time facial client, book the BP Glow Signature Facial for an all inclusive treatment tailored to your skincare needs on the day of the appointment, this includes a skincare consultation. Have intake forms completely filled out prior to your appointment time. (Forms will be sent after booking your appointment via email.) Please arrive with no makeup and a detailed list of any products you are currently using as part of your skincare regimen at home.

Hydrate your skin! Drink plenty of water prior to the treatment, and avoid alcohol the day prior to the appointment and day of. Please avoid caffeine the day of the appointment. Stop exfoliation 3 days prior (including retinol, acids, and manual scrubs/exfoliants).

Expect to leave your appointment with a new skincare regimen to target your skin concerns.

What should I follow after a facial treatment?

Follow all aftercare instructions Breanna recommends for the treatment you received. Keep your skin clean by changing your pillow case often, and sanitizing your phone.

Avoid direct sunlight and excessive steam, saunas, and vigorous exercise for 24 hours. Continue drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated! Show off your glow!

How do I find your location?

Breanna is located at 4567 New Linden Hill Rd, Wilmington DE 19808. Parking is at the Shoppes of Linden Hill in Pike Creek, Delaware. Enter through Chic Varnish, Breanna is located in the same building.